okehhh ketemu lagi nih.. :D biasaaa dengan author 1 pastinyuaa :3 #alaykers yiekss:P
karena melihat postingan si author 2 tentang danbo yang laris manis #kayak dagang (?)
jadi niat saya membikin yang satu ini untuk melanjutkan jejaknya #kayak apaaa gitu -__-"
okeyy langsung dehh ke TKP
cekibrottt -"""-
Danbo wants to buy that necklace for his girlfriend ^^ how sweet >.<
Danbo : "This flower is just for you!!"
Danbo: "Please BE MINE!! \\\\^o^////"
Danbo : "ahh..i'm so hungry,lets it!! (ngiler ngeliat makanan sama minumannya danbo -__- DANBO!!sisain aku ya!! (?))
Danbo : "I want to fly just like a bird,free to fly and go anywhere" (and maybe i can fly... #nyanyi (kayak yg dinyanyiin sama anak kcil yg di iklan bebestar itu lohh))
Danbo: "Come on everybody..Let's Rocking Together!! :D" #jreng..jreng,,jreng.. (efek sound gitarnya danbo :P)
Danbo: "I give this flower as my Valentine present just for you :3"
danbo girlfriend : "oh.. thanks ^^ (i can't say anything)
author 1 : ............. (no comment)
danbo girlfriend : "oh.. thanks ^^ (i can't say anything)
author 1 : ............. (no comment)
Danbo : "it
only breaks my heart..so i'm unfriend you TT_TT " #lagunya Greyson Chance digabung2in :P
eh..maaf yak..nih fotonya Domo nyelip satu :P
Domo Square Pant +.+
Domo Square Pant +.+
Domo in Barbie's home ;) and...play her laptop and drinks a juice #hmm...YUMMY!! :3
#g nyanka ternyata domo main internetan ~,~
#g nyanka ternyata domo main internetan ~,~
and...the last is "Danbo Galau"
he can sleep this night because he "galau" #hallah.. apalah ini jadi galau2an -,-
okeh deh sekian dulu ya!!! semoga menyenangkan dan bermanfaat ^o^
dan bye..bye..
CIAO..CIAO.. -o-
by : Author 1